Romelia (Mia) Calaro ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Mia is available by appointment at WUCC with administrative assistance and also to help with all the rentals that come through for weddings, parties, meetings , etc. for our Social Hall in the Weinberg Center. We are grateful for her dedication and caring help she gives to all she comes to meet! She is a graduate of Waialua High School and she has two daughters.
Dale and Cecilia Andres CO-YOUTH DIRECTORS (interim) About five years ago, the Andres’ served as Youth directors. We are blessed to have them serve as interims for this year. Dale is an engineer with the City and County of Honolulu and Cil is a teacher with the Department of Education.
Edwin Ramones PIANIST Mr. Ramones, formerly long time member of The Krush entertainment group in Hawaii, is currently our main pianist. His skill in piano playing and singing has been an asset to us. Edwin is with the Department of Education and is a Junior High teacher.